tirsdag den 28. juli 2015

Ten Characters Who Are Fellow Book Nerds

Mm... Booknerds! I LOVE to read, and LOVE to meet and talk to people that read, so of course I love to read about people that loves to read(or just love books) aswell!.

Edit; Wow - it was harder than I thought it would be to find 10 - and specially any guys that actually reads...

1. Hermione from Harry Potter. Gotta start with her!

2. Sara from Læserne i Broken Wheel anbefaler!

3. Matilda from Matilda. <3

4. Annie Wilkes from Misery. Creepy - but yet a booklover!

5. Clay from Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore. Bookstore book!

6. Owen Quine from The Silkworm. His book are coming to life!

7. Isla from Isla and the Happily Ever After. Loves comics and adventurebooks!

8. Jo in Little Women

9. Belle in Beauty and the Beast - ok this one is mainly from the movie, but I've read quite a few adaptions with it, so I have go add it!

10. Bella in The Twilight Saga. Girl loves to read!

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