tirsdag den 2. februar 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Historical settings

Woha... This weeks challenge over at Broke and the Bookish is not one of the easy ones xD
It is a bout the past and the furture - and a good mix of what I already have read, and what I dream about. Quite an open task, in other words ;)

1. Ready Player One by Ernest Cline is, and will continue to be a big favorite of mine. The setting is in a not too far away future - but there is a good, dystopian atmosphere around it all. Love the book. Spent way to much money on the different editions of it aswell.. It is just awesome!

2. The Help by Kathryn Stockett. I loved this book, and I really want to read a bit more fiction like this from the 50s and 60s from the south!

3. A game of thrones by George R. R. Martin. This one was quite high up on my TBR list for a while, but after the TV series, and how popular it become, I found it a bit harder to get myself to read it for some reason...

4. Graceling by Kristin Cashore. Loved this universe. I should get around to read the rest of the series.

5. Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas. Same as above. I should get around to read this one soon!

6. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. I am actually not sure why I gave this book a 4 star in the first place, as it is quite faded from my memory. But I loved the setting, and the idea behind the whole story.

7. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Ohh.. the 20s. I really should not have to say more!

8. The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank. Loved the different view of WW2!

9. Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. It really makes me appreciate living in the time that I do..

10. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak... Yeah, more books from the way - but this one is a bit high up on my TBR list!

søndag den 31. januar 2016

Mesterdetektiven Conan vol. 8

Titel: Mesterdetektiven Conan vol. 8
Originaltitel: 名探偵コナン 8 
Forfatter. Gosho Aoyama
Læst på: Dansk
Sider: 190

Rating: 4/5 stjerner

Det begynder som en leg. Et krimi-spil med ti deltagere på et luksushotel. Opgaven er at afsløre den gådefulde "Ondskabens Baron". Men da baronen pludselig falder ud fra en altan og spiddes på en rytterstatues sværd, er legen blevet til blodig alvor. Senere er verdens mindste detektiv gæst ved sin klasselærerindes bryllup. Hun elsker citronte, og det er der vel ikke noget farligt i...?

Her på det sidste stykke tid har jeg begyndt å læse flere tegneserier, og jeg nyder der virkeligt! Denne er nok helt bestemt rettet imod nogle der er lidt yngre end det jeg er, men det gør slet ikke noget! 
Stregen i tegneserien her er let, og tegningerne er klare. Historien er god til at holde en fanget, samtidig som om en meget hurtigt klarer at danne sig nogle tanker om hvem det nu er som er forbryderen - og hvordan mysteriet nu skal klare at løses?
Det er måske ikke de største overraskelserne undervejs - da det netop er et ret klassisk detektivhistorie - men jeg personlig er ihvertfald meget nyskerig på at følge med - og finde ud hvem det nu er som startede det hele her!

tirsdag den 26. januar 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Freebie week!

So.. A freebie! Did I mention I hate those? I love getting a specific idea to work with, but using my head coming up with something new? Ugh..

Anyhow - I decided to make a list over the books on my TBR list that have been there for the longest and owning them... This can be fun ;) (oh and really.. looking at the list there is 72 books there! omg... I gotta get around to read them soon..)

It should be noted that I have only marked books as read AFTER I started to use Goodreads - so there is a big possibility that I have read the books at some point - just not in the last 5 years at least.

1. If you could see me now by Cecelia Ahern. I gotta admit I cannot even remember having this book - but knowing myself right, I must have picked it up on the trainstation or something like that waiting on  the train (and then ended up watching a movie or just sleeping instead). This one have been on my list since 2013, so about the time I added my books into Goodreads by the look of it...

2. Hannibal Rising by Thomas Harris. Pretty sure I stole this book from an ex. Also from 2013!

3. Beskytter by Christian W. Jensen.. Won it in a raffle orso (again back in 2013). I feel pretty guilty not coming around to have read this one yet..

4. Fifty Shades Freed by E. L. James. ACUTALLY, I have started this one a few times. Just having a hard time enjoying it.

5. Death in holy orders P.D. James. I actually had to go find the book to remember which one it was. Impuslebying one again. Pretty sure we are talking about the trainstation again ;)

6. Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason by Helen Fielding. Pretty sure I did read it at one point. Kinda waiting on getting around to read the first in the series again before this one.

7. Nobels testamente by Liza Marklund. Gonna read this one soon! Just started on the series again!

8. Flimmer by Anne and Even Holt. First in a series and stuff. I should read this one

9. The Firework-Maker's Daughter by Philip Pullman. I can't remember having this one. At all. No idea. I should look for it.

10. Maddy goes to Hollywood by Maureen Martella. Feelgood deluxe. Loved it when I read it 10 years ago orso.

onsdag den 20. januar 2016


Titel: Hedebølge
Originaltitel: Studio Sex
Serie: Annika Bengtzon, #1
Forfatter: Liza Marklund
Læst på: Dansk
Sider: 358

Rating: 3/5 stjerner

Nå, dette er måske ikke det aller bedste tidspunkt til at læse en bog om sommer og en hedebølge, når temperaturen siger -7,6 grader udenfor, men det var nu jeg plukkede bogen med hjem fra biblioteket! 

Kender I det, når en vågner op og bare har lyst til at få læst noget krimi? Nej? Nåh - så er det måske bare mig;) Efter en lille tur på biblioteket, og en kig i deres hylder, falder jeg for Liza Marklund igen. Det er mindst en 5-6 år siden jeg sidst rigtigt har læst noget af hende, så bestemte mig for at give hende et forsøg igen. Jeg blev ikke skuffet;)
For mig skal krimier ikke være for tunge, og også kunne kommes hurtigt igennem. Det er fedt at blive overrasket undervejs, men også sjovt at gætte! Denne bogen gav mig flere overraskelser - og plottet vendte lidt rundt i ring. Elsker når det er sådan! 
Annika er ikke min favoritkarakter når det kommer til hovedpersoner - og specielt i denne bogen har jeg svært ved at ku' li' hende - men det passer til historien! 

tirsdag den 19. januar 2016

Top Ten Books I've Recently Added To My TBR

As I finally got back into writing some more on this blog, I also enjoyed starting up with the Top Ten Tuesdays posts again. I love the hosts, I love clicking in on other peoples blog and read their entries - and getting pleacently (is that a word?) when I find people with the same books as I have on my own list - or was thinking about putting up on my list!

This weeks challenge is, as the title says, what I have recently added to my TBR list. Here is Goodreads just awesome, I love that page. Though. It is not good for my TBR list. It grows WAY to fast. At a point I tried to keep it under 1000 books... Yes... Well.. That didn't happen! Worst part is that I have stopped added all the books in series etc aswell, and it doesn't really seem to be helping!

Looking at the last 10 added to my list, I can see that I was looking for new science fiction books that can relate somehow to be beloved Ready Player One. No luck fo far though! Anyhow, my list, going from the 10th last - and ending up with the (currently) last book on my list:

1. Pushing Ice by Alastair Reynolds. It got good ratings, looks like a fine plot etc etc.

2. Rainbows End by Vernor Vinge

3. The Yiddish Policemen's Union by Michael Chabon

4. The Prefect by Alastair Reynolds. Oh, second time for the writer!

5. Blackout by Connie Willis.

6. Thirteen by Richard K. Morgan

7. Gridlinked by Neal Asher

8. Singularity Sky by Charles Stross. I like his last name!

9. The Dreaming Void by Peter F. Hamilton

10. Gummi Tarzan by Ole Lund Kirkegaard. Finally something completely different to the others on the list. Most likely gonna read this one with my little girl - loving the fact that she is finally starting to get intersted in book and reading - though still struggling a bit with the reading part herself. But, we are getting there!

mandag den 18. januar 2016

The Martian af Andy Weir

Title: The Martian
Format: Audible - audiobook
Read by: R.C. Bray
Writer: Andy Weir

Rating: 4,5/5

Six days ago, astronaut Mark Watney became one of the first people to walk on Mars. Now, he's sure he'll be the first person to die there.
After a dust storm nearly kills him, and forces his crew to evacuate while thinking him dead, Mark finds himself stranded and completely alone with no way to even signal Earth that he's alive - and even if he could get word out, his supplies would be gone long before a rescue could arrive.
Chances are, though, he won't have time to starve to death. The damaged machinery, unforgiving environment, or plain old "human error" are much more likely to kill him first.
But Mark is not ready to give up yet. Drawing on his ingenuity, his engierring skills - and a relentless, dogged refusal to quit - he steadfastly confrnts one seemengly insurmountable obstacle after the next. Will his resourcefulness be enough to overcome the impossible odds against him?

I LOVED this book! The story, the format, the narrator... You name it! I had some trouble with the format for the first 15-20 minutes orso, as I had gotten used to hearing Matt Damon (When we are on the subject Matt Damon, watch THIS. Love it!) beeing the voice of Mark Watney. 

Considering the fact that I had seen the movie before I actually read/listened to the book, did so that the book itself didn't bring on that many suprises. The story is quite similar, though the movie is a bit more friendly to the big screen. 
The boo though. There are SO many details. Everything is explained. There is so much science talk, This is REAL science fiction - and one of the best I have ever read in this genre. Now, this might sound a bit dull, but for a book like this, It is perfect! 

Yes - sure - I am pretty confident there is many, and major, flaws in the science, and how he got eveyrthign to work - buuut... It felt real. It really did.
The way the book swapped between Watney, the crew, NASA, helpers and the log entries worked wonder for this one! (Again.. Only thing I actually missed about it, is... Matt Damons voice. Mhm.. He got a nice voice;))

The only reason I didn't up it to 5 stars here (Though I did so on Goodreads) is the ending. It felt a little unfinished. Here I must say I did like the movies ending better, though.. No, I'm not sure, it just didn't feel right. No idea how I would have wanted it to end though. Basically, it just wrapped it up a little bit too fast for my taste!

lørdag den 16. januar 2016

Himlen falder ned! - et indisk Jataka-eventyr

Originaltitel: The Rumour: A Jataka tale from India
Sider: 32
Forfatter: Jan Thornhill
Læst på: Dansk

Genfortælling efter gammel, buddhistisk fabel om haren, som tror at himlen falder ned. Den får alle de andre dyr til at flygte fra katastrofen, indtil de møder den kloge løve.

Dette er også en bog lillepigen selv har taget med hjem fra biblioteket! 
Historien og moral i fortællingen i denne fortællingen er ikke noget der er særligt nyt i sig selv. Tænke efter, og ikke bare følge massen!
Men var meget glad for måden var bygget op på, og parret med de flotte illustrationene, var bogen er fornøjelse at læse.
(Altså, helt til vi nåede det punkt hvor vi skulle TÆLLE alle dyrene... ugh)

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